Sunday, October 21, 2012

Learning Report:

This week i worked with an ICU nurse. She showed me around the ICU area and let me see the storage room.I even went into a patient's room and got to observe. 

I learned that the ICU and the CCU are a combined unit at Christus. I also learned that there are certain rooms in the ICU for certain things. Like some of the rooms are for cardiac patients and some of the rooms are for patients who have to be in isolation. I learned about a nebulizer, a nasogastric tube, a 'heart pillow', and that theres a crash cart in every area. 

My favorite thing about this week was i think just being at the hospital and seeing everything because it was my first week so everything was so interesting!

The worst thing that happened was that there was only a couple of people in the ICU/CCU so it was a little boring. 

This week was good. 

Experience Record:

NG-nasogastric tube-gives patient nutrition from their nose into their stomach

Nebulizer- opens lungs
Heart pillow- used for patients who have just gotten heart surgery, it lets the patient lay on their stomach without discomfort. 
Crash cart

Acute Pancreatitis- sudden inflamation of the pancreas

NG-nasogastric tube

Experience Jornal: 

When i first walked in i saw a desk to my right and saw the patient rooms to my left. On the front desk there was a computer that showed each patients heart monitor. The employee's name that i worked with was Ervie, she was an ICU nurse. she keeps track of all the patient's conditions and takes care of them. In the ICU there was also a secratary who helped with paper work, and a few doctors and a gastroenterologist. As a whole the ICU takes care of patients who have just gotten major surgeries and are in critical condition.i saw an NG-nasogastric tube which gives patient nutrition from their nose into their stomach, a Nebulizer which opens lungs, a Heart pillow which used for patients who have just gotten heart surgery, it lets the patient lay on their stomach without discomfort, and a Crash cart.

I saw only one patient, but i heard about a patient in isolation and i observed him from outside his room, but i couldn't go in. My employee was told the doctors what the patient needed. The communication skills my employee had were pretty well. She washed her hand every time she went in and out of patient's rooms, she wore her PPE when she went into the isolation patient's room. she wore gloves and a face mask. 

I learned that the ICU and the CCU are a combined unit at Christus. I also learned that there are certain rooms in the ICU for certain things. Like some of the rooms are for cardiac patients and some of the rooms are for patients who have to be in isolation. I learned about a nebulizer, a nasogastric tube, a 'heart pillow', and that theres a crash cart in every area. 

In a nutshell this week went pretty well. i think this benefitted my future in a way because the ICU is something i am actually pretty interested in. I think my personality fits best with an ICU doctor and not a nurse, because i dont want to be so much of a care giver, but more of a doctor. 

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